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WordPress and LaTeX on A2 hosting

After my previous hosting service failed on me, I decided to change my hosting service. I did quite extensive research about each hosting service. My main criteria are following:

The three criteria aren't unusual and many of hosting services do satisfy. The hardest criteria was the last one. It's hard to find a shared hosting service with LaTeX installed. After a lot of research, I came to conclusion that A2 hosting was the best choice because of a blog post.

Installing WordPress is rather smooth process nowadays because most of steps has been automated except editing wp-config.php.

After installing WordPress, I immediately started installing WP LaTeX, a plugin that replaces LaTeX code on an article or a page by a corresponding png images. It uses's API to generate png images by default, but you can configure it to use local LaTeX installation. Unfortunately, it didn't work out of box when I enabled this option. Of course, I made sure wp-content/latex directory was writable but it kept telling me that it cannot find latex.fmt:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) I can't find the format file 'latex.fmt'!

This was rather odd since I could generate a dvi file (WP LaTeX generates a dvi file and converts it to a png image using dvipng) when I ran latex sample.txt through ssh. After searching online for a while, I figured the problem was that WP LaTeX changed the working directory to /tmp and latex could not find latex.fmt from /tmp. So I manually edited the line 188 of automattic-latex-dvipng.php:

if ( !$this->tmp_file = tempnam( '/tmp', 'tex_' ) ) // Should fall back on system's temp dir if /tmp does not


if ( !$this->tmp_file = tempnam( '<path to my home directory>/latex_tmp', 'tex_' ) ) // Should fall back on system's temp dir if /tmp does not

And I copied latex.fmt (find -name "latex.fmt" would probably find one) into ~/latex_tmp. So finally, you can see beautiful formula here, sin2(x)+cos2(x)=1, and it's not coming from anymore.

I also searched for a good code hightlight plugin and settled with Syntax Highlighter for WordPress. With this plugin, you can wrap code on article with [language] and [/language] (language is php, html, etc...) and it automatically highlights the code with Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter package. Because highlighting happens on client-side, it won't benefit users without JavaScript enabled but all other plugins I tried either produced bogus markup (does not pass validator) or didn't handle entity reference properly.